Monday, February 2, 2009

Report for Week 15 & 16

Week 15

On 17 January 2oo9 about 4.30 p.m

Do a meeting with leader Mohd Khaikal

This meeting just does a simple discussion with me and one other group members that is Maimunah as assistance. In this meeting we just refresh back how the project after a mid semester breaks. So, all the data has been referring back and decide the entire new task to do after all the group members has together in the next meeting. Leader just gives short briefing and then we end the meeting.

Meeting Group Members:

-Mohd Khaikal
-Maimunah Abd Rahman
- Aminah Shuhada Bt Mat Saaod

Week 16

On 29 January 2009 about 4.45 p.m

Second meeting

- In this meeting we decide to change the gant chart following the new Academic Calendar Session for Jan09.

Minute meeting include that:

- Preview to our project
- About gant chart changes
- Feedback from group members

All the task is decide and the leader divides to all the group members with a different task. This process can make easily complete this project. The entire task must done before the next meeting, then after that all the information and data that our group define will combine. So, this meeting just divides what action we must take to make faster to complete this project on time.

Meeting Group Members:

- Mohd Khaikal
- Maimunah
- Aminah Shuhada
- Nurul Azuwa
- Fatimah

1 comment:

  1. Please update for u blog, and reminder to our group members, Please
