Thursday, March 12, 2009

week 18 - week 21

Week 18

Firstly I am very sory to sir because I am late to apload my report blog. That is because I not have enough time to do that (upload). My network coverage has some problems. But this is the report for week 18.

That is the task that we do this week

- Design some other interface

- Choose and insert the suitable data that needed.

- Check and follow the gant chart duration

For your information this week we just continue our task then we not have time to do the meeting. It is because all of group member are so busy to finish some other task.

Week 19

This week can show you what we do continue to our project.

Our targets in this week are:

- Complete all the data and task that given

- Check the hold of project content( following the duration in gant chart)

- If have a missing data we must get it back

So, all the target above we achieve and we got a meeting to gather all the data. So, meeting that we done at level 3, 24/2/09, about 4.30 p.m. the group member that attend this meeting:

- Aminah shuhada

- Maimunah

- Nurul Azuwa

- Fatimah

This meeting attends by all group members because our leaders are so busy for other task. But he knows what discussions that we do are.

Week 20

This week we are doing this task:

Khaikal as a leader give a new task

- To doing survey and observe back what the best interface and function that suitable to add in website

This is because our group want do a good job and try to be better. We must very sure that we are in the right way. That is because we do what ever task to complete a very successful project.

This week we don’t have enough time to do the meeting. So, we just contact by phone.

Week 21

This week we must combine all the data collection from all group members before holiday.

Alhamdulillah our project get ready to complete and finished.

So, this week we must make sure that:

- All duration from gant chart are correct

- All the interface are finished

- All the data has been combine

- Try to access the website

That is all about project task that we do. Now, when holidays started we must get ready do the final report and get ready to our presentation. Thank you to sir that always cares our group project duration. It is very helpful and thanks to all group members that give all commitment and cooperation.

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